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The NYPS meets on the third Sunday of every month from September to May at the AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY in New York City.

The meetings feature lectures and presentations by people active in the field of paleontology or related areas. Subjects range from topics in evolution and paleoecology, to the latest discoveries, to famous fossil localities, and more. The meetings also provide an opportunity to meet with others who share such interests, as well as to learn about fossil sites (both local and worldwide), field techniques and fossil preparation.

The society also conducts field trips in the Spring and Fall for members and their families. Members also receive a monthly mailing of the society's award winning NEWSLETTER containing announcements and summaries of the society's events, as well as abstracts and brief articles on paleontologicial, geological and associated subjects. The Society's Field Guides, some of which have won awards for excellence, are also available free of charge or at nominal cost to members.  New members also receive a copy of our Fossil Collecting PRIMER, a useful source for finding, collecting, cataloging and curating  a fossil collection.

The membership year runs from September through the following August. Individual Membership dues are $15.00; a Family Membership costs $20.00.

To Print an application Click below.

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